Tuesday, 6 March 2007

strangely speechless!

The reactions to unequal relationships is baffling.
Take 'nishabd' for starters...
The fact that these relationships need justifications.. [ jiahs' background of incompatible parents etc ] is ever so predictable.
Can’t we have a relationship which comes without any baggage of explanations?
Also, one can easily be drawn to a young girl who is sensible and grounded yet fresh. she needn’t be this carefree, irresponsible girl because I don’t see why a 60 year old can't fall in love with a sensible 18 year old who is quiet and sensitive and respectful too.
In this case they could have shown a bubbly talkative but grounded 18 year old too...
because this 'free spirited girl' thing is quite clichéd.
And its quite strange that we should classify all 18 year olds as immature and ones who do not understand love. I know of quite a few such girls who have understood and connected to life very maturely too.
Its also possible that some relationships are formed out of mutual respect and understanding over a common factor. Sometimes we fall in love with a persons' sensibilities- perhaps the fact that he could make for a great father, husband and friend.... and we may carry away with us beautiful conversations that can change the very course of our lives...
Its important that we tell a story sensitively but for that we need to be sensitized ourselves first. The movie might have left a lasting impression on many considering Mr. Bachchans' unquestionable talent, but was a huge let-down not because we Indians our still not progressive enough but because the story was told very insensitively and dealt with in an immature manner.. seemingly comic and stupid.
Let us stick to what we know and understand best... Mr. Verma needs to stick to SARKAR' ...

1 comment:

dnabat123 said...

NISHABD is bad cinema in every way! I agree that Indian cinema should progress beyond its mishmash of candyfloss love stories, boring gangster dramas, star-driven junk stuff etc - but are movies like NISHABD actually providing quality variety fare? is it logical by any standards to assume that a 64 yrs old man would ‘fall in love’ with a 19-year old ? and that too when the 19-year old is shown as someone strutting around with her long legs and skimpily clad ? two things can possibly happen -either the 64-yr old man would ask the 19year old to behave herself, or, he would be strongly driven by his testosterone! in Nishabd, neither happens and the feelings that AB feels are showcased as poetic love! the trauma that AB’s Vijay undergoes is sheer lust, period, a desire trigerred by seeing something young, tender, juicy and supple, and not something platonic at all - but RGV wants us to believe it that way, which is like serving a very well-cooked polythene bag of basmati rice, instead of the rice itself! this simply is not the direction Indian cinema should be taking - being unconventional is fine and is very much welcome, but being illogical is taking the intelligence of an average filmgoer for a big ride! all those 60plus oldies travelling in buses in metro cities dont ‘fall in love’ with young dames, they just plain oogle at young dames - nor is there anything even remotely platonic about oldies desiring to be in the company of younger women - lack of courage to show things as they are is where our filmmakers fail - and to top it all, the dumb tagline, “some love stories are not meant to be understood” - how about this “some stories are not meant to be made into movies, if they dont have logic in them” - that would be more appropriate - not just RGV, it is AB too, who has taken all of us for a clean dumb-s*ckers ride - in one interview he says “senility is not the end of desire”, thus making “desire” the central issue of this movie, while all of our critics go gaga over this not being about ‘desire’ but about ‘emotions/love’ - give us all a frigging break! at this rate, we will never ever get out of the rut of filmmakers making bad cinema in the name of intelligent cinema, while movies like NISHABD insult our intelligence