Pradeep Sarkar is perhaps one of the most over rated directors ever.
Parineeta was a pathetic remake of a classic and any dimwit can see through the idiotic attempt provided one is not too awestruck by the charming 'star' cast, the gloss and hype that went with 'a bengali set-up'. But many overlooked the fact that there were a number of things in the film like costumes in certain scenes and hair-dos that did not belong to that era, moreso, to a family of that class. Rewind to the black n white classic PARINEETA, in which meena kumari and ashok kumar did not have to resort to lovemaking scenes or explicit dialogues to express their love or frustrations. It was the quiet dignity of a woman deeply in love, to whom the commitment of the heart mattered more than mere rituals. Even the second remake SANKOCH, a jeetendra and sulakshana pandit starrer was a decent attempt.
It is stupid to make excuses like moving with the times hence the unneceassary changes in script and set up.
And now, to make matters worse, mr.sarkar goes ahead with a sickening attempt at filmmaking if i may call it that- LAAGA CHUNARI MEIN DAAG. Most certainly a 'daag'. The only message that the film manages to get across is that when all fails, prostitution is always at hand.
And, since you are such a sacrificial lamb, you will eventually find 'the' right guy.
A loaded, highly educated, pedigree who is awesome looking and falls in love at first sight and then miraculously, many months later, during which he has never heard from his lady love, insists on marriage even though he knows she is a prostitute.
Can we get real please? It would've been more appreciable if they had shown that the two kept in touch via mails or chats after their sing-song and flirtatious rendezvous in zurich during which the man grew to understand the lady and bonded with her. Pray, how does one suddenly learn to respect the woman 'much more' when he knows absolutely nothing of her except that she is a call girl who recites the 'hanuman chalisa'? And there can be many such women who are extremely tough at their profession while they maybe deeply religious. Since when does that prove that she is 'different' even though she insists boldly that she needed money and took the first opportunity that came her way. Does that talk of a person who was is moralistic and scrupulous?
And what is nauseating is the mother played by mrs.jaya bachchan who should be ashamed of taking such meaningless roles.
The mother, who knows her daughter has taken to prostitution in order to support the family, continues to 'sob' silently in the night while letting the daughter go on.
In fact, she even watches as her useless husband and younger daughter set about acquiring a new lifestyle with the money sent.
As if that is not nauseating enough, she even has the gall to resent the presence of her daughter when she returns to the family home to marry off the younger sister. So much so, that when faced with the 'errant' daughter after probably years or months, she ignores her and very callously admits to her presence. And then she justifies it all by saying, well, since you are already ruined and cannot resume a 'normal' life, i need you to stay away so that the rest of the family and younger ones' life carries on unperturbed.
How on earth can you show such cruelty and insensitivity? And even if you need to do so, why not do it with some subtlety and sensitivity ?
Anupam kher is wasted as is abhishek bachchan. Why these talented ones had to resort to such inane roles beats me. Konkona is the only saving grace and a breath of fresh air. Rani, needs to retire. NOW. She looks stale and its tiring to watch her in so many films in a year. She needs to lose weight desperately and disappear for a while to retain exclusivity as a star needs to.
Shantanu moitra seems to be living in reflected glory of his one-time hit 'parineeta'. The music is awful and reeks of an amateurish attempt. Dialogues are ordinary and more suited to a daily soap.
Yashraj films need to wake up and soon. Stop investing in the one time ad filmmakers who are desperately trying to make it in bollywood and start giving a break to newcomers. At least the prestige of the banner shall be restored.